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Mission 10 - Part 5 Mission 10 Wanted Poster

Part 5 Epilogue

My dearest Tara,

I hope that all is well in Aether. Surrounded by strangers in this island nation, I find my thoughts returning to home, and to you. This is not what I wanted for our honeymoon, not by a long shot, and I am truly sorry for leaving you alone on our wedding night.

There is no telling when I will be back. The ruling powers here are an odd bunch, bickering amongst themselves, some even outright hating each other, and we are finding it difficult to mend these deep wounds. Not to mention the traitor running amok behind the scenes; you know personally how dangerous those can be.

But I do not tell you this to worry you – only to press upon you the need for patience, as I do this not for glory but to protect you and all that I love.

With all my thoughts and heart,


Gaius looked up from the wrinkled parchment, lifting a second sheet.

Gaius Talking: There’s another letter for me, but Lord Alaric wrote those words for you.

Tara Annoyed: Good for him.

Tara Serious: Doesss he say when he’ll be back in your letter, any specificsss?

Gaius Disappointed: No, unfortunately. But remember, my lady, the situation is delicate–

Tara Angry: Well, pardon usss for distracting him from his task so much that he feelsss the need to write usss!

Tara Disappointed: (waving her tail tip dismissively) You can give the note to Maeve, she’ll handle it for now.

Gaius Confused: (clapping his scythe-arms together) But don’t you want to… I don’t know… write back?

Tara Happy: Write back – to him?!

Tara Dark: Oh Gaiusss, how ridiculousss!

Gaius Confused: I didn’t think it was…

Maeva Happy: No sweat, Sir Bugs-a-lot.

Maeva Determined: I’ll make sure she replies to th’ letter – and wit’ a good attitude too.

Gaius placed the parchment in Maeve’s paw before peering up at his scowling queen and lowered his voice to a whisper.

Gaius Disappointed: Good luck.

Maeva Annoyed: Thanks, I’ll need it.

Gaius gave a quick bow to the serpent on the throne then backed out of the room, skimming the contents of his own letter. As the double doors closed, Maeve whirled and glowered at Tara.

Tara Determined: Oh don’t give me that look.

Tara Serious: I have a right to be upset at him.

Maeva Angry: ’Course you did – weeks ago! – but Tara, it’s time t’ give it a rest! Yeah, Alaric was a turd for hidin’ all t’at stuff from ya, but right now, Aether needs ya on your A-game.

Tara Determined: I have been on my ‘A-game.’

Tara Annoyed: Things are running smoothly in Aether, but that doesssn’t mean I can’t be crossss with him!

Tara Disappointed: Or misss him…

Maeve laid the letter on the arm of the throne.

Maeva Determined: Then tell ‘im – tell ‘im what a jerk he is and t’at you want ‘im home.

Tara glanced at the letter, stroking her husband’s signature with her tail… before flinging the letter across the room.

Tara Angry: No! I will not act the humble housewife! If he wants my forgivenessss, he will have to beg for it!

The Pancham rushed for the letter, scooping it off the floor.

Maeva Worried: But Tara–!

She was gone, slithering off the throne and storming off out the back door, disappearing into the castle.

Maeva Annoyed: Great, now what can I do?

Maeva Confused: Tara’s stubbornness is really outta control.

Folding the letter in half, Maeve pocketed it, making a mental note to put it on Tara’s desk in her study.

Maeva Serious: I mean, really?

Maeva Angry: Not even replying to his letter, t’at’s cold! Only other ‘mon I know of t’at can get t’at angry is her da–

Maeve stopped and snapped her fingers.

Maeva Determined: Yeah, t’at’s it!

She rushed to get a messenger bird. If she hurried there’d be just enough time.


The Kricketune waited until the double doors shut before turning and going down the hall, reading and walking at the same time:


By the time you get this letter, we will have been in Sazanami for quite some time – longer than either of us had anticipated. I wish I could say that Gawain and I will be returning soon, but I’m afraid we have barely begun the task of preparing Sazanami for Gāng Tiě’s invasion. Seems Dracul was right about the depth of the problem in these nations…

Our journey here was eventful, to say the least. Many of us were kidnapped the second we stepped foot in the country, and we had to escape the dungeon of one of the warlords before we could even speak with the others. After a little get-together, the citizens were able to investigate the other warlords, and we decided on three warlords to work with. Perhaps you can find some information on the Onoue, Umezawa, and Hashira families in the library? In fact, anything you can find in the library, especially regarding a legendary city called Yamatai, would be very helpful; that name kept appearing in our discussions with the warlords, and there’s no telling if such information could assist us in our cause.

Also, I should tell you: Bon is here. You probably figured that out, since he’s not in the jail cell in Aether. But he’s not the only one who snuck his way here: Nicholas is here too. He’s with Bon, having arrived in Sazanami on the same boat… and I believe I may be at fault for his newfound rebellious nature. I didn’t hold my temper well when I first realized he’d come to the island… but now’s not the time. Now we are busy working for these three warlords, and I hope that what we do will help make Sazanami stronger. I look forward to hearing what information you can dig up.


P.S. Make sure Tara reads the letter I wrote for her.

Gaius Confused: Oh, she read it alright, sire.

Gaius Disappointed: But I don’t think it went over as well as you’d hoped.

Jackson Talking: Don’t think what went over well?

The advisor looked up; Jackson was floating in front of him, head tilted at a curious angle.

Gaius Talking: Ah, hello, Jackson. It’s just a letter that Lord Alaric wrote for the queen.

Jackson Happy: Still hot under the royal collar, huh?

Jackson sniggered.

Jackson Determined: Not surprised~

Gaius Worried: Hmm… but still, there is much more to be concerned about besides Tara being mad at Alaric. His efforts in Sazanami are not going as smoothly as we would’ve hoped.

The Gengar shrugged his lumpy shoulders.

Jackson Talking: Again, are you really that shocked? If the guys that run Sazanami now are like the ones that ruled in my day, ooh boy, Alaric will have his work cut out for him!

He paused, tapping his chin in thought.

Jackson Determined: Except for that one guy, the first Emperor, he was alright. And the Sun Queen, she was pretty cool too.

Gaius Confused: Sun Queen?

Gaius’ antennae quivered.

Gaius Serious: Who was that?

Jackson Serious: Ruler of Yamatai, gosh, where have you been?

Jackson Happy: Oh, right, in some other continent, ha!

Gaius Disappointed: Yes, well, did you ever write any of that information down?

Jackson Determined: Oh sure, it’s all in the library. Under ‘Y’ for Yamatai.

Jackson Confused: Or maybe ‘S’ for Sun Queen, not sure.

The bug hummed, folding the note in half and slipping it inside his vest.

Gaius Determined: Seems like I have some researching to do. If you need me, I’ll be in the library.

He started to head for the library but stopped in mid-step.

Gaius Serious: Oh, and if you could let Charles know that Prince Nicholas is alright, I would greatly appreciate it. He’s in Sazanami – with the prisoner.

Jackson kicked backward, floating on his back with arms crossed behind his head.

Jackson Happy: You mean that froggy guy? Huh, how weird, wonder how he got to Sazanami?

Gaius Annoyed: Gee, I wonder.

Jackson Determined: Don’t get your wings in a twist, I’ll let Chuck know where the prince went.

Gaius nodded and headed deeper into the palace, hoping to discover some information on the past that could help his king…

Jackson watched Gaius wander away, offering him a little wave. Back-flipping into a shadow on the floor, he instantly teleported to Prince Nicholas’ room – where a Chatot was pacing back and forth, feathers flying as he yanked them out in a panic.

Darwing Worried: Oh no, no, this is TERRIBLE! Prince Nicholas, where have you gone?!

The Gengar swallowed a laugh – he couldn’t resist – and cleared his throat.

Jackson Talking: Where’s who gone?

Darwing squawked, leaping a foot in the air.

Darwing Shocked: Oh-ohh, Jackson, it’s you.

The small bird breathed with relief, holding a wing to his chest.

Darwing Disappointed: You scared me.

Jackson Dark: That’s what we ghosties do~

Jackson Talking: But hey, so you’re worried ‘bout Nic, right?

The Chatot gripped at his heart.

Darwing Worried: Indeed – he disappeared so suddenly, and without telling me, or taking me WITH him!

Darwing Confused: I do hope that he’s alright.

Jackson Worried: I dunno, he IS just a kid. Anything could’ve happened to him!

Darwing Shocked: That’s true! He could be hurt!

Jackson fought the urge to grin, instead slapping a serious frown over his face.

Jackson Shocked: Sure would explain why he hasn’t contacted you. And – gasp! – you know what?

Darwing Shocked: What?

Darwing Worried: WHAT?!

Jackson Worried: Maybe that frog got him!

The tutor blanched, nervously plucking at his collar.

Darwing Worried: Ohhhhh, you’re right, you’re RIGHT! I think, I t-think… ohhh, I’m gonna be sick…

Jackson Serious: Hey, not on the carpet.

Jackson swooped forward, patting Darwing on the back.

Jackson Determined: Don’t want to make Anna mad, do you?


Anna jerked, ears folding back over her head.

Anna Serious: Ever get that feeling someone’s talking about you behind your back?

Dac shook his head (which was essentially his entire body).

Didacus Icon: Not really. But, ya know, if they talked behind my back how would I know they were talking behind my back?

Anna Disappointed: Right.

The Cinccino sighed, slapping her cheeks lightly.

Anna Icon: Okay, back to work. Next up is the prince’s room.

Didacus Confused: Um, Anna, if he’s not here, how would it get dirty?

Anna Annoyed: Heck if I know. All these rooms get dirty, whether anyone’s using them or not.

The Spewpa shuffled along beside Anna, casting an anxious glance around.

Didacus Worried: D-Do you think it could be the g-ghosts? Jackson says there’s s-spooks in the castle.

Anna raised a brow.

Anna Talking: Ghosts? There are no ghosts in the castle – besides Jackson – which means nothing is gonna–

Darwing Worried: AUUUGGGH!

Didacus Shocked: !!!

Dac hopped behind Anna who took a reflexive step backward. Something ran wildly out of the prince’s room – a feathered blur who disappeared around the corner – and Jackson bobbed out of the room with a loud cackle, dropping into the floor and vanishing from sight.

Anna Annoyed: Oh man, looks like Jackson is up to his old tricks again.

Anna Serious: C’mon, Dac, let’s go calm Charles down before he hurts himself…

It took ten minutes to track the bird down (no thanks to Dac’s lack of legs), but finally they cornered Darwing outside the queen’s study. He was muttering to himself, practically molting all of his feathers, and Anna used her tail to brush all his loose feathers against the wall to sweep up later.

Anna Icon: Hey, Charles, whatever you’re freaking out about, don’t. It’s not good for the floors.

Darwing Shocked: Anna!

Dac scooted closer to Darwing, squinting up at the brightly coloured bird.

Didacus Worried: What’s wrong, Mr. Darwing?

The Chatot took a deep breath, peering down at Dac.

Darwing Worried: Oh, poor Nicholas. Milord is in danger, and I have no idea where he is!

Anna Confused: I’m sure he’s fine.

Anna Icon: He’s a prince, trained by Gawain himself. He can take care of himself.

Darwing Worried: But what of his STUDIES! He may be fine physically, but mentally? His mind is getting STAGNANT!

Dac pursed his lips in thought then edged slightly closer to Darwing.

Didacus Embarrassed: Maybe… maybe you can teach me instead?

Darwing’s beak dropped.

Darwing Shocked: Pardon? YOU wish to learn – from ME?

Didacus Determined: Well, sure! I’ve never gotten any education before, and I know you know lots of different things, and maybe it will make you happy to have someone to teach while the prince is away!

Darwing Confused: Hmm, not a horrible idea…

Darwing rubbed the back of his head, feathers finally falling back to their appropriate place.

Darwing Disappointed: Alright, I will take you on as my temporary student – but only if your superior is okay with it.

Dac rotated, shrinking into himself… but Anna just shrugged.

Anna Disappointed: Eh, I do all the work around here anyway.

Anna Talking: Go ahead, learn something, Dac.

The Spewpa shivered with delight, his fluff spreading outward.

Didacus Happy: Oh, thanks, Anna! What are you gonna teach me first, Mr. Darwing?

Darwing Happy: Never thought I’d have such an eager student; come, young Didacus, your first lesson will be in Aetherian history -- (walking with Dac at his side and offering a bow to Queen Tara as she passed by) -- and we’ll start with the time before…


Tara tuned out Darwing’s lesson to the Spewpa servant on her way to her study, nodding slightly at Anna who curtseyed and left to get a broom to sweep up some feathers on the floor. Hurrying into the small room, she went straight for the large oaken desk, looking for something to do some angry doodles on.

Nothing there, though. Nothing except… a letter.

She stared and blinked at Alaric’s letter. Yeah, she could draw on that maybe. That would show him, that would teach him… right?

Tara Disappointed: Won’t bring him back. Won’t make you less sad. Won’t fix anything.

The Shiny Arbok opened a desk drawer with her tail and pushed the letter into it. Perhaps the best thing to do now is to ignore the –

Maeva Talking: Tara! (running into the study) Tara, hurry, ya gotta get goin’!

Tara Confused: Going? (turning towards Maeve) What are you talking about?

Maeva Happy: C’mon, hurry up, he’s not gonna wait for’ver!

Tara Serious: Stop shovin’ – who’ssss he?

Maeva Determined: Your father, ‘course!

A Shiny Seviper sat coiled in the hall.

Ness Talking: Hello, Tara.

Tara Shocked: Daddy!

Tara slithered to her father, wrapping herself around him in a hug.

Tara Happy: You’re here, I can’t believe it – and you look good!

Ness chuckled, returning his daughter’s embrace.

Ness Talking: Glad to sssee you too, dear. And I agree: retirement from the Ard Rí position hasss done wondersss for my complexion.

Tara Talking: But why are you here? Who contacted you?

Maeva Talking: T’at’d be me.

Maeve offered a paw in a wave.

Maeva Determined: I knew only a snake king could bring ya outta your funk, and with one indisposed, I turned to the other one.

Ness Disappointed: Yesss, when your serv – I mean, friend – sent the letter, I knew I had to come quickly.

Ness put his tail around Tara’s shoulder.

Ness Talking: Let’sss go for a ride in the forest.

Tara followed her father – and an hour later, they were riding their respective steeds along a peaceful path in the woods that had previously been affected by a haunted tree. Ness and his Stantler led the way, followed by Tara and her Sawsbuck, and they chatted aimlessly for a bit, mainly about his frequent visits with Bran.

Ness Talking: Now that I’m done with the court, Bran and I have really ssstarted to get along. You would never guessss that he had wanted to kill me monthsss ago!

Tara Happy: I’m glad that you’re adjusssting well to life without royal dutiesss.

Ness Smug: Well, frankly I’m just happy I wasss able to keep the fortresssss, ha!

The ex-monarch tugged on the reins, moving his steed back to ride beside Tara.

Ness Talking: But I hear that you aren’t adjusting as well.

Tara Annoyed: Hmm, I mussst do something about Maeve’sss big mouth.

Ness Disappointed: I’m seriousss, dear. Tell me what you’re feeling.

Tara Embarrassed: Honestly? I… I’m feeling betrayed. I missss him more than I can say, my heart is breaking at the thought of losing him forever, but I’m also angry at him for leaving me here, in a new kingdom, to run it completely on my own. I know that it’sss the job of the queen to rule in her husband’sss stead, but…

She folded her hood against the side of her face, hiding her wet eyes.

Tara Sad: Did I make a mistake?

Ness shook his head.

Ness Smug: Impossssible. You’re my daughter.

Tara Disappointed: Daddy–

Ness Disappointed: Let me finish. Tara, you came to Aether on my command, never expecting to fall in love. Yet here you are, married to a noble and just king. Yesss, he could have handled the situation better, but in the end, aren’t you proud to be sharing a life with such a kind ‘mon? … Heavensss know I never showed you such kindnessss.

He grinned wryly, reaching across empty space to lay his tail tip on Tara’s shoulder.

Ness Talking: So I think it’sss about time you show the same kindnessss to him, don’t you?

Tara lifted her head towards the sky, feeling the sunlight shine through the forest canopy onto her face.

Tara Embarrassed: I… I guessss I can.

Ness Smug: That’sss my girl. We should get back.

Tara Icon: Yes, we should. I have a letter to write.

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Mission 10 - Part 5 Mission 10 Wanted Poster

Part 5 Epilogue
